A hopeless Butcher, changing alliances and the canaries made this action-filled "The Boys" the best episode of this season so far...
The teams are being formed everywhere inside the seven. A hopeless Butcher is brought back into action by his loyal colleagues. Homelander is tested to the extreme by the public only to be saved (for now) by the Stormfront's memes. Deep is married. A-train is kinda retired. Maeve and Elena are being used as the puppets by Vought for their image makeover. Quite a lot of things happened in this episode.
The best thing about this show is that it has many storylines running through each episode and each one is important. That played a major role in this episode. We had many plots running through the episode and each one was given almost importance.
My only concern is The Female and Frenchie are having very little to do this season. They can be barely seen in these last two episodes.
Nice Little Things:
Took a dig at the Joss's rewrites and the female-specific superhero scene in Endgame
Stormfront's quote "When see it on your uncle’s Facebook page, then you know it’s working."
Karl Urban as Butcher is killing it (in a very positive sense)
Episode Rating: A-