After weeks of wait, we got to watch the last episode of the second season...
The finale though being predictable at times has some moments that truly deserve our applauses. One such moment is when they made us think that Butcher might betray Rebecca by giving Ryan to the Vought. We have to give it away to the team for really making us believe in that till the last moment. The other one is revealing who is behind all the head popping that occurred throughout the season.
The fate of Stormfront is just what you would expect of a big baddy of a superhero show. Deep inside everyone would have guessed or thought about the fate of Stormfront when she was introduced. She didn't seem like a villain who they would persist with for more than one season. It is because of the nature of her backstory and the time factor attached to it.
The same can be said about Becca as you would've realized when Butcher met her. The show had only two ways to go with her character. The one being Butcher retires now and have a happy life with his wife or being a miserable man with good abilities to lead a rugged team. The team went with the second more suitable option for the show to continue as is.
The season-long character arcs of MM, Frenchie, and Kimiko are very small. But the show dedicated at least one episode for each of these characters and each of them sold it beautifully. This small screentime these characters are only because of the ever-growing characters in the show. Coming to the former and current members of the Seven, Deep's weird arc led us nowhere and we are just at the position where this season started, A-train's one was so small but at least he had a very important role to play in the finale, Maeve's struggle with Homelander seems to put to rest at least at this point.
Enough with the sidekicks, when coming to the main characters on both sides they really did have a huge character growth this season, especially Homelander and Butcher. Hughie too had some out-of-character (in a good way) moments in the finale. Starlight's decision played a little see-saw but she did support the story overall.
The production design seemed cool just like the first season. Though there was no need for the big sets like the Eiskel's gathering in the first season, this season too had good adequate set pieces.
As I've mentioned in the review of this season's first episode I still think that it would have worked a lot better if this was released as a whole season instead of a weekly release. This is mainly due to the fact it is fastly edited to be a perfect binge-watch material. It is not some HBO heavy drama stuff. So bingeing it would have been a little nice.
The show became hugely popular and they have not upset the fans in any way, heck for this they didn't even try to please them by throwing out the character growth and throwing some fanfare BS on us(you hear that TROS(only TROS)), which is a very good sign for the show which will be the face of Prime Video for some years to come along with Mrs.Maisel.
Little Things:
It kinda resembles Orphan Black a lot like a lot of genetics is involved with both the Clone Club and the Supes, its creation leads generations back even crossing the world wars (wink Orphan Black), chasing one big bad after the other in each of the seasons and each of these villains is just a pawn in the big game.
Kinda liked the Lamplighter's story, sad to see him burn so early
The acting was top-notch throughout, but a big shoutout to Homelander(Toni Starr) and Butcher(Kal Urban) for being really amazing throughout the season.
With this, we have come to conclusion on this wonderful season's end, see you all in the next season or any of the other TV reviews (wink)...
Episode Rating: A-
Season Rating: A-