I know that it is very late to review this particular episode as the next episode is due in just a day. So consider this as an appreciation post for the episode titled "The Depositions". That said, let us get into the review.
After the mid-season break, the show didn't have any comically standout episode. But that is nullified by this week's episode. The employees attend the mandatory deposition for Carol's case against Cloud Nine. In the process, we encounter many hijinks and few heartfelt moments.
Jonah more or less tells that Glenn is incompetent when it comes to technical problems under oath to the lawyers, which forms the crux for the A-plot. This in turn leads them to concentrate on Glenn and try to corner him. This plot's end though obvious from start still leaves a huge impact. The secondary plots are that of Mateo locking up Eugene as his deposition might ruin his life and Dina and Garrett's love story.
Dina and Garrett's storyline is moving towards an expected end. It is a no-brainer if they are not going forward with this storyline at this point. The heartfelt moments beat the above-mentioned predictability factor. The final scene for this plot seemed to have garnered a very good response from the fans too.
Mateo's plot of locking up Eugene did seem off. But might be his character which has some shades of grey. After all, not all can be classified to have either black or white characteristics. His motivations might seem good in his perception and this is what made this plot worthwhile.
Coming to the main plot, Glenn may seem incompetent to others but he is a very good man and he is so faithful to what he does. So it is very evident that he would be steered clear from the start. The way they told us is what made this episode click. Other employees trying to make Glenn innocent really worked well.
With all the positives to look at we can ignore the negatives for this episode.
Episode Rating: A-
Little Things:
Marcus' story of a worker getting a 10M settlement fee for the injuries seemed funny and there is a high chance that this might be fake.
With only 4 weeks and 5 episodes to go, the end seems to be appearing pretty fast
Favorite Quote: Isaac needed Friday off for an appointment with his Mandalorian