The new Sherlock Holmes adaptation is here and it is a fun-filled ride...
Upon hearing the initial announcement of the project I was a bit skeptical. But the first trailer grabbed my attention. The words 'Tis I was particularly catchy. With a little high expectation, I watched this Netflix movie and it lived up to my expectations.
The story is about the daughter searching for her lost (not lost) mother, a sister escaping from the wardship of her elder brothers, a girl trying to be unique in this world, a young detective in making or separately a large elaborate scheme involving the Lords. You can choose any one line among these numerous storylines. Enola is all alone when her mother leaves her on the morning of her 16th birthday. When Enola starts searching for her mother she unknowingly(no she is too smart) gets entangled in an elaborate murder scheme involving a young Lord.
As there were many other storylines to touch upon for the first movie of a potential franchise they took a little longer to get into the central conflict. But this doesn't affect much. And all the credit goes to the lovable cast. Millie Bobby Brown carried the movie so well and others chipped in at every possible moment as well. Henry Cavill as Sherlock is a good addition.
The Emmy winner Harry Bradbeer told this story in a way that is well suited for a Sherlock Holmes story. It had its fun moments by including constant fourth-wall breaking scenes, a good twist for a detective story, and a train scene.
Some nitpick, Mycroft Holmes's character seemed like a one-note and a slightly predictable twist.
Other than the nitpicks the movie is a good addition to the long line of adaptations.
ST Rating: B+